Local walks

Photos from walk on Thursday 22nd August from Gozzards Ford to Tubney & Cothill Sand Pits via the Lashford Lane Reserve

Entering Hitchcopse Pit


Silver birch saplings and evening primrose flowers


evening primrose flower


A Harlequin Ladybird pupa. After a few days the adult will emerge from this


Upward Quarry (see below)


Shady glade. The view for those that “stop” in the woods


Free apples in a wheelbarrow


Beautiful blue sheen on the feather poked into the top of the gate post at entrance to Lashford Lane Nature Reserve


Mama and her piglets


In the field by Gozzards Ford. Ragwort and Viper’s-Bugloss (and potholes)


Upward Quarry restoration


The focus for the restoration of Upwood Park is to create a topographical and ecological link between the site and the neighbouring nature reserves of Parsonage Moor and Cothill Fen.


The majority of the ex-quarry will be left to naturally regenerate on the bare sandy soils left behind, creating a dry ‘breckland type’ grassland. This area will be closed access.


The western corner of the reserve will be reprofiled with topsoil and covered with a layer of low-nutrient subsoil to create a safe area that visitors can explore. This area will be reseeded with a tussocky mix to help provide roosting and nectar sources for the rare invertebrates known to use the Cothill area. Scrub will be allowed to regenerate in this area to create a mosaic of tussocky grassland, nectar sources and patchy scrub. This area will be open access for visitors to explore the reserve and engage with wildlife.


[Source Vale Planning application P24/V0668/CM]

2 replies on “Photos from walk on Thursday 22nd August from Gozzards Ford to Tubney & Cothill Sand Pits via the Lashford Lane Reserve”

Great photos, David, thank you. I wish I had been there.
I particularly enjoyed the colourful saunter of walkers behind evening primroses and vipers bugloss as well as the amazing picture of the harlequin ladybird pupa. Wonderful!!

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