Local walks

Photos from walk on Thursday 13th July from Ashampstead to Aldworth

St Clement’s, Ashampstead, with another door to nowhere.


Waiting to start. North is Chapel Lane, south is Church Lane. Is this where their congregations met?


Crossing Haws Farm. Verbascum nigrum, dark mullein beside the corn.


To the west is the Compton DVOR Aircraft Navigation Beacon


At coffee, bonking beetles, Rhagonycha fulva, the common red soldier beetle


When not occupied, a chance to meet a friend


Oedemera nobilis, the false oil beetle, thick-legged flower beetle or swollen-thighed beetle,


In Aldworth, in the churchyard (see gallery for the yew tree) was Episyrphus balteatus, a marmalade hoverfly on ragwort. Lovely wing colour


In The Bell garden, lots of Red admiral butterfly on an Escallonia bush


And a comma butterfly (looking like a chicken?)


On the way back, another type of Hoverfly: Lapposyrphus lapponicus




In the field beside Ashampstead Church – the start and the end – barley?


More beetles, butterflies and a spider in the gallery.

4 replies on “Photos from walk on Thursday 13th July from Ashampstead to Aldworth”

Lets hope that those bugs were able to get back to ‘business’ once we had departed. Top pictures as ever, David.

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