The first part of the walk was along the Swyncombe Downs, following the earthworks along the ridge. Either Late Bronxe Age, or Danish. Take your pick. Details further down.
Another photo of this tree, and pretty leaves from Swyncombe Downs, in the gallery.
Views north from the ridge. North Farm.
East end of the earthworks, by the Ridgeway
St. Botolphs, Swyncombe. Aconite.
More snowdrops in the gallery
Avenue in Haycroft Wood. Catkins on left.
Turkey Tail (near the lunch stop)
Now from some “birds and bees” stuff (Thanks Heidi).
Hazel (Corylus avellana) shrubs are monoecious, which means they have male and female flowers on the same plant. They can’t self-fertilise though. The female flowers are a small vase-shaped bud with red (some say carmone) filaments sticking out. If pollinated, these buds become the hazel nuts in autumn.
Finally, Chiltern Way at Harcourt Hill
Swyncombe Downs Earthwork
Linear earthwork, possibly prehistoric, close to Icknield Way
These linear earthworks are comparable with the L.B.A. [Late Bronze Age] ranch boundaries of Wessex and comprise a ditch, averaging 10.0m. wide, 1.0m. deep, with a bank on the downhill side, 6.0m. wide, up to 1.0m. in height.
The major work runs from the top of steep slopes, above the Icknield Way, at SU66889152, follows the S. side of a ridge with the bank on the S. side to SU67239155, where it is crossed by a similar work running across the ridge from SU67129175 to where it fades out on open arable downland at SU67319142.
The work continues eastwards above northerly slopes and now with the bank to the N., as far as SU68599140, where it also fades out, on leaving woodland, for open arable downland.
Monument Period Name : Later Prehistoric
Monument End Date : 43
Monument Start Date : -4000
Monument Type : Linear Earthwork
Field Obsevation : 1968-03-26
The Danish Intrenchment
The ancient earthwork is known as the Danish Intrenchment and dates back to c870. It was built by the Danes during their battles with Alfred the Great.
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4 replies on “Photos from walk on Thursday 9th February from Ewelme to the Swyncombe snowdrops”
Excellent photos and resumee
Thanks David
Great picture summary of our strenuous and beautiful walk today and excellent descriptions of the ancient landscape we were walking in- thank you, David
Heidi xx
Lovely photos as usual, David
More about the Swyncombe Downs SSSI from the Oxfordshire Treescape Project.